Case Studies
Richardson Independent School District
The Richardson Independent School District is a sought-after district in Dallas County and includes most of the city of Richardson along with portions of the cities of Dallas and Garland (60% of RISD is in Dallas, with 35% of the district in Richardson and 5% in Garland). RISD is comprised of 54 campuses that serve more than 38,700 students. Richardson ISD has a long-standing reputation for educational excellence and is continually recognized at both the state and national levels. In fact, RISD received a “Recognized” rating from the Texas Education Agency from 2006-2012 positioning the district as the largest, most diverse district in Texas to earn that rating over those consecutive years.
Modeled after successful initiatives first piloted in other Texas districts, the Accelerated Campus Excellence (ACE) program began in RISD in the 2018-2019 making it the third district in Texas to implement ACE. The ACE initiative is grounded in the idea that strong schools require excellent leadership, skilled teachers, high quality instructional materials, and a culture of high expectations for students and staff. As pioneered first by DISD and later FWISD, the ACE program offered stipends to incentivize top teachers and principals to relocate across the district so that the highest needs schools were staffed strategically with the historically highest performers in addition to providing district-level comprehensive supports to create environments for transformation.
View by Year:
2018 – 2019
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